The World’s Largest Social Networking Site For LGBTQ+ Birds.

Ramesses & Berto
I was lonely at my statue since no other pigeons there were gay. Then I heard about CAWKR. I decided to try it out. I received a message from Berto right away. He was a short flight to Central Park where we met. Our first date was magical. We spent it eating garbage by the fountain. We’ve been inseparable ever since! All thanks to CAWKR!

Elbert & Hiram
I’m and old-timer and don’t know how to use these things. My younger family members convinced me to give it a try and made a profile for me. I met Hiram on here because his family did the same for him. Now all our families are one big happy parliament.

Chase, Blayne & Üther
My college roommate Blayne and I hooked up with each other moments after we met. After a while though we wanted to add some excitement to our relationship so we went on CAWKR and found Üther. He lived 2 floors above us but now the 3 of us hardly ever our room.
It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.
The World’s Largest Social Networking Site For LGBTQ+ Birds.

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